Tuesday, January 4, 2011

King Kong (2005), Gran Torrino, and The Lord of the Rings (1978).

King Kong (2005) 1-1
I don't really know why I didn't like this as much before, but it stuck with me this time. The action scenes were really good (except the car one, it's wasn't as good), and visually it looked great. The only thing was it's length. It was as long as it needed to be, but nearing the end I kept wishing it would finish up. I'd say it's worth the rent, only because I've owned it since release and only watched it twice now.

Gran Torrino 1-2
Mixed feelings on this one, mostly because of the bad acting/writing. Clint Eastwood's performance in the first half/two thirds really saved this movie. There were many parts/lines where I cringed or laughed at how bad it was. It felt like a highschool film project. But Clint's first half performace was well worth the movie. It was worth the viewing. Rental.

The Lord of the Rings (1978) 1-3
In honor of J.R.R. Tolkein's birthday, I chose this one. This is a bizzae movie to say the least. Awkward/laughable voice acting, weird switching between live actors and animation characters (they actualy switch before your eyes at a few points), and a weird look. It's so bad it's not that bad, if your a LotR fan that is. Otherwise, it's garbage. It's worth a viewing, but I wouldn't spend much on it. I recomend borrowing it.

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